Life with Foot Drop: Torbjörn

Torbjörn was 40 years old when Welander's distal myopathy made its debut. In 8 episodes we follow Torbjörn's thoughts on life.

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Episode 1: Dreams

Torbjörn talks about his dreams before his illness and what his dreams are today. Have they changed?

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Episode 2: Recognizing your limitations and seeing the possibilities

What happens when your body can no longer perform hobbies and everyday tasks? Listen to Torbjörn talk about Welander's distal myopathy and how it gradually deteriorates the body.

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Episode 3: The children and the diagnosis

Welander's distal myopathy is a hereditary disease that often appears at the age of 40. Listen to Torbjörn talk about what it's like to be a father and to know that your child may have the disease latently.

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Episode 4: Assistive devices

Today, Torbjörn can walk several kilometers in the forest, drive a car and snowboard. But without assistive devices, Torbjörn's life would be very limited.

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Episode 5. The hunt

The forest is not only a place for recreation but also a natural gym that offers a varied and challenging workout.

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Episode 6: From darkness to light

How do you shift your focus from thinking about what you can't or won't do to seeing the possibilities? Listen to Torbjörn talk about how he overcame the darkest periods of his life.

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Episode 7: The diagnosis

Torbjörn talks about his diagnosis of Welander distal myopathy.

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Episode 8: Not putting things off

Why wait to do things? For Torbjörn, time may be limited as his muscles slowly deteriorate.